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Rent from your Network

Reduce your infrastrucute investment


By partnering with your peers & top equipment rental providers, you’ll be sure to get top-notch equipment so you can deliver your projects quicker and smarter.   â€‹


Control your Risks and Costs 


With the renting functionality, ConnectOne helps alleviate the risk associated with acquisition of fixed assets. Businesses source equipment or other types of fixed assets within the network. This reduces the risk of investing in an asset that may be not needed at a later stage, when demand decreases. It also helps businesses better manage the cash-flow and credit needs.  


Extended Resource Pool    


ConnectOne delivers a collaboration tool for businesses within the network to create resource pools. When a project is beyond one business' capability, they get help/rent from these resource pools. Businesses can deliver projects they wouldn't normally pick up, adding more room for growth and development potential. 


Scalability at Every Step


The collaboration tool allows businesses to quickly find partners and resources, so that they can easily scale up or down, depending on the current needs. If a business lacks resources for a project, they can find them in the network. If a business has too many resources for their current workload, they can share them within the network, so that the demand is fulfilled.  â€‹


Flexibility to Support Your Demand 

ConnectOne creates a collaborative environment where businesses can reach to other members for support, including for temporarily renting fixed assets. Businesses find within the network the fixed assets needed in order to continue production/service delivery. This helps them overcome machinery failures, compensate losses and fulfill the orders in progress.  


Efficient Usage of Resources 


The platform allows businesses to offer their unused fixed assets for renting, which ensures a return of revenue from the investments in equipment. If some assets are not needed, businesses can rent them to other businesses within the network. If the activity is seasonal, businesses easily create a renting schedule that determines when the equipment stays in the business and when it can be rented to other members.  


Single-source Procurement 


With all members on one platform, ConnectOne brings potential providers in a single, trustworthy source. Businesses source the equipment/services needed and contact multiple providers within minutes. With the help of the rating system, businesses choose the best providers to assist with their projects.  

Contact us for a demo


Unit m 15, Kristal campus10 

Yemere village, Sarjapur road

Banglore india, 562125

+91 - 9429 690 489

Level 2, 23 Foster Street,

Surry Hills NSW 2010,


+61 2 8798 0265

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